OK before anyone thinks this is Something kinky
It is Not
This was a Party to announce the sex of our
# 3
Brenee' and Scottie had this fun Party
They had the ultra sound done and didn't look at the pictures
except the ones that didn't show the babies sex
When everyone got to the party we got choose
Pink or Blue Food and Drink
After we made or choice we went to the
Blue side or the Pink side
You might notice Scottie (Daddy to be)
is in BOTH pictures, not taking any chances
The cake was made by a friend of Brenee's
she saw the results of the Ultra sound and made the top
layer of the cake the color of the Gender
bottom layer was Chocolate
So here it is BLUE cake for a Baby Boy !
Now we all got to see the Ultra sound pictures
So fun
Can't wait to meet Baby Keaton Scott Williams
in December